Hello again! Well well here we are. 2018 almost at a close and just a few short days away from another Christmas.
It's usual in these periods for people to sit back and reflect on the year that has been and consider their hopes for the year to come. I am no different, and It occurred to me this morning that I perhaps should share some of that on this here blog.
Over the years since starting this blog I've commented on trans issues, politics, my growing love of philosophy and a bunch of other stuff. so lets deal with those big three.
Trans issues.
I've taken a proactive approach to my own life, and decided to learn about this and related issues. it's meant I've ended up wandering down some intriguing and sometimes hurtful paths, some lead me to "lightbulb moments" and others anguish and heart ache. Yet others have lead me back round towards an ever intriguing point. Trans issues are at their heart relating to some fundamental question about the human experience.
Existential questions can be problematic, especially for one such as I who is prone to over thinking, But they are also useful, since the very essence of our perception of existence is "awareness" and also awareness of our own levels of awareness. (Socrates "didn't" know this - or did he?)
I've watched from the sidelines. This year I've ran some training sessions and given some talks, (I'd hesitate to call them lectures at this stage) It's interesting to meet people and gain insight into their own perspective on trans gender as a phenomenon. especially in the light of its recent reclassification by the WHO. (ICD -11)
Which leads me neatly on the the politics.
Trump and May are working out as predicted, i.e., not. I really think 2019 may see the impeachment of 45, and don't get me started on Brexit.
All this "individualism" and cultural push by the current ruling parties to focus on the person as the ultimate bearer of responsibility puts me in mind of Thatcher suggesting "society doesn't exist"
Society is an evolutionary mechanism observed by anthropologists and Attenborough's alike. It's not some pseudo political frame work one just puts aside. As a species we are a social animal and therefore we have a structure within which that functions.
It becomes even more interesting when you turn your attention to watching what the current political pinnacles tend to do with the institutions of education. Trump and Devos dont seem to value it, other than as a tool to deny knowledge to those who would oppose them at the polls, or as a whip to punish.
In the UK university fee's go up, loans get bigger, the cost of accommodation for students is now astronomical. In 93 to 97 my student digs were 45 quid a week and I lived in a big old town house with 7 others, self catering. Now its like walking into a hotel lobby, with Vita student, and other large business feeding off the ecosystem of loans that has built up around an institution that is supposed to be about knowledge. £8,700 per year in loans of which £170 per week goes back into a private company purse for accommodation.
Some of the brightest students may well be "managed out" of this system by circumstances that have nothing whatsoever to do with their aspiration or academic ability.
And third, My growing love of Philosophy, which hasn't wained at all.
In taking an observational and interested academic view of the twists and turns of my own life, like I say I became intrigued by existential questions of life itself.
As Tim Minchin says, "theres nothing better to be done with this one meaningless life of ours but fill it".
So I endeavour to do so. Fill it with hope for the future through my two wonderful girls that I look after, who are both growing into beautiful and considered young ladies day after day.
Fill it with thought, considered learning and enquiry, applied curiosity if you will. I am currently laying foundations for what I hope will be a successful research project and some future collaborations in the years to come.
I ask my guests on the podcast (did I mention I've podcast now ?) "what is it that makes you tick - and keeps you wound up" because I truly am intrigued by humanity's best attribute, it's tenacity in the face of adversity. The will to keep going.
Stubbornly Optimistic started a mantra for me, an affirmation if you will that my "spirit" will not give in to external pressures. (very Stoic)
It seems it resonates with others too. and that is a good thing. You can find the podcasts on iTunes and Anchor, `Spotify on others... just hit the link.
Optimisticality on iTunes - listen here
So, it's been an interesting year, with lots of changes, like any other. But although I haven't been posting in here anywhere near as much as I once did, (because the facebook group and website get more attention, I remain as stubbornly optimistic as ever.
Have a great Christmas, and a Wonderfull new year. See you all in 2019. ;-)
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