Thursday, 6 April 2017

More positive pondering, for a change.

Hey all.

Well well, if you've been reading my recent blogs, I think you might forgive me for using a technical term when I say:

"Thee been chatting some heavy shit lately" 

All this analytical writing, and somewhat academic, dare I say "highbrow stuff" can get bit serious at times.

So, lets kick back, chill, just breathe a little. After all, summer is juuuust around the corner, so why not Knock on the sky and and listen to the echo.... echo... echo...

I'm sat here, the day after having had an unexpectedly quiet afternoon/evening. The result of a poorly teenage daughter who has spent most of the day asleep. (Now you might say thats normal teenage behaviour and ok, but in this case twas an exception)

As a result I ended up spending bit of time on the phone to both the bairn's mum and Gran, organising stuff, after which I found myself at loose end.

So, I've had a bit of time to just wander around the house, catch up on critical role and look out the window at the sunshine.

The T130 is languishing in the kitchen corner quietly talking to me, whispering "service my seat post - the sun is shining it's time we were out on the track". I haven't actually ridden the bike since I left the cycle biz in Sept of last year. You know that thing that happens when you take something you really enjoy and turn it into "work"? Yeah, takes the shine off things doesn't it? Particularly when you chuck in a dose of questionable professional stuff...leaves a bad takes in the mouth by association.  but anyhoo this isn't a moan tis a chill out.

So once the bairns back on her feet, and back to school in a week or so, I'm gonna get the bike sorted and revisit some old friends that I haven't seen since last year. The Derwent walk. Hamsterley forest tracks, and probably chop well. This year though I guess I need to get creative, finding a few new routes locally and in the process loses a few lbs without spending too many ££'s on fueling Vanessa.

Jobs wise thees not much to do with Jonny 5. I picked up a hutchinson rear tyre  few weeks back for 13 quid.. (kevlar folding 60tpi multi conditions thing. not bad and much better than the full £50 retail!) Obviously theres the seat post, which currently has more play in it than a land rover prop shaft. Then I think the rear shock could do with a bit of TLC. 

The 130 has done (according to Strava) 3,158 km Only about 700km short of my total over all distance. (on multiple bikes.) This is roughly equal to about 160hrs ish. So, tis definitely due some proper spanner time. 

I'm looking forward to a bit of "kissing the summer wind" and getting some dust on the tyres from the local trails. 

I wonder what new types of weird and "high brow heavy shit" i'll dream up on the way?

Stay tuned!



If you're interested in bikes, and the stuff I've gotten up to, then have look at "The spoken sprocket bog" which I created before this one. It's designed to be little more techie. But since I haven't really done anything.. i haven't written anything over there in quite a while.


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