Friday, 3 March 2017

The Invisible Man.

This a very spontanious blog entry. 

What does it mean to be seen? Do people see what we are or just that which they think we are? 

So speaking as one who was once "seen" quite readily. Soldier, Nurse, Professional, Employed, Educated, Productive, Worthy, etc its interesting to consider that what is seen now is "seemingly" something quite different. 

Still, what is my perception of what others see? In truth nothing but a reflection of what I think they see. That being the case then is it valid beyond my own internal perceptions of the world? 

Depends on the level of objectivity one applies to the self image I suppose. 

I have written before that if one defines oneself by what you "do" and "have", then by extension when you "don't" and "haven't" you "aren't"......

Now while I personally may have gotten some way past all that, realisation dawns that other's perceptions of me are on occasion still based resolutely in that model. 

Thus when one enters dialogue based on the assumption of recognition of that which made me all those things above, its quite the bitter pill to be written off as not on that level. 

To use an analogy, it's like having been required to briefly leave the table at dinner and then whilst out the other diners forget you were once there and when you try to retake your seat you find they don't recognise you any more, nor believe you should be there. 

So, this is the process by which "That which I am", namely all those traits and abilities which allowed me to achieve all those terms above, becomes forgotten. Marginalised and then ignored, to be sacrificed on the alter of perceptions. 

This then is societies "invisible man" And they are legion. 

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