Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Lows, Laughs and Legality.

Oh Dear.

I feel Golum's pain, truly.

Tonight I had hoped to write something that was a little more "uplifting" than my last article. After all it was, as one reader rather succinctly put it, "Bleak".


America's Trump continues to reverberate around the globe, and the smell doesn't get any sweeter.

Pipelines being built, environmental protections reversed. Climate change monitoring has its funding frozen. Suposedly "The Trump" has won awards for "Environmentalist Trump".... I'll just  leave this  here...

link to Trumps Environmental awards evidence.

Soon theres going to be line of merchandising dolls no doubt to go with the cinematic drama...

President Trump (Certified Free from vested interests)
Environmentalist Trump (Including awards certificate - missing from box)
Businessman Trump (with 6 certified bankruptcy proofs. Please send off the coupons enclosed for the tax returns..we'll get them back to you honest)
Making America great again Trump..(with free red hat)
Truthful Trump (production cancelled due to lack of ...well.... truth)
And of course not forgetting....
 LGBT Trump with free Mike pence Doll and & day pass to a reparative therapy Spa of your choice.

(All made under license in China)

In short the uplifting article i was hoping to pen this evening has taken a battering.... However all is not lost.

In the face of what some might dress as outright lies, but other's recognise as bone fide "alternative facts". The day after this infant(ile) American administration began it's long 4 year march to ignominy and ridicule, we have a refreashing dose of law, order and good old fashioned common sense from the UK Supreme court.  

Due Process. Love or loathe Brexit, the proper process and legal frame works must be adhered to. A fact "The Trump" would be wise to pay heed to.  The UK parliament must now debate the issue and satisfy the UK constitutional requirements. Proof that, even now, no man, (or woman) is above democracy or the rule of law. 

I hope you'll forgive another Tolkien indulgence as i quote everyone's favourite Grey Wizard 

"There are other forces at work here besides the will of evil - and that is an encouraging thought" 

So. What to bring as a counter foil to the bleak and dreary? 

How about a tribute to a funny guy, whilst poking fun a the whole European "thing" circa 1939 style.

Allo Allo ran for a good number of years when i was a kid and even though some of the humor has dated a little, the cheeky take on the serious business of occupied France in the war complete with dodgy accents and terrible french from English agent come Police officer "crabtree" still makes me Chuckle...

But I'm gonna leave the final word to Ronnie Barker. When boxed in, be it figuratively or literally, there's three things to remember:

So it's goodnight from me...and its goodnight from him 

Till next time on #stubbornlyoptimistic

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