Friday, 11 November 2016

On armistice day of all days. ....Sorry America


So that happened.

It's taken me two whole days to form the thoughts needed to write this....Sorry America we've dropped the ball.

We now have the type of person chosen as president elect of the American nation that, frankly, were he not born into privilege, opportunity and wealth would be recognised for what he is. Namely a cretinous, misogynistic, self indulgent and narcissistic arse swipe of a human being.

We are familiar with politicians being flawed individuals. That is old hat. But this guy got elected on the strength of bragging about it. Let that sink in for a second. Thousands of ordinary people voted for a person, knowing that he wilfully and gleefully has broken - and will again break - the most basic rules of civilised behaviour.

There's a court case pending of the alleged rape of a then 13yr old girl, now grown. Multiple accounts of inappropriate and frankly disgusting comments towards women. The violent rape of his ex wife.... and other more business related stuff... Just. Digest that. For a moment.

13. Years. Old. Thats not just rape that is fucking near peadophylia for pity's sake!!!!

Now. laying aside the asinine policies of the individual in question for a second, just ask yourself how did we, the human race, get to a point so devoid of the common sense of logic and morality that someone of that character type could get within 100 yrs of the Whitehouse lawn, let alone, with all this as a known quantity, be given the keys to the Oval Office?

Apathy. thats how. The vast majority simply refused to believe it would actually happen, and did not treat the growing threat with the measure of concern it warranted. I count myself amongst that number. It wasn't until the night before that the truth dawned, and I knew he was gonna get in to power.

History will judge his election on many points. His right wing views, his policies and the undoing of all that progressive thinkers have attempted over the last two terms. 8 yrs of work.. gone .. in a single blow struck by the skillful manipulation of the disenfranchised and under informed,  even wilfully ignorant masses.

But that's like arguing which way the horse went after it bolted out the stable, without considering who left the door unbolted to begin with.

Humanity lost the fight long ago, when this creature was deemed worthy of even the merest thought of public office. Our standards have risen to new depths as we mine the rich vein of political capital that can be had from the thirst for change. Not real change of course. Perceived change. Mere shadows and dust, smoke and mirrors. The ever changing bright lights of big telly screens spouting the latest version of the truth that people want to hear. Facebook feeds become tuned to be a mirror of our tastes, reflecting back to ourselves that which we want to see. Government news agencies that cherry pick story after story, edit them and muddy the perception of truth ... and lets not mention the newspaper editors...I mean really?

What's really sad is the vast majority just don't care. As long as big brother, strictly come dancing and the NFL super bowl keep airing on prime time its all just fine and dandy.

Work, home, eat sleep repeat. live in the bubble of self sufficiency .. or at least the perception of it.

America has made a stupid decision, and one based on fear, misinformation and bigotry of that there is no doubt. Perhaps it is true to say Clinton would have been worse, as her husband wasn't great. But that's also a symptom of the issue here isn't it? Women get judged by those who'd vote for a bigot like trump. They get judged in part on their husbands actions & not their own. Wake the fuck up middle America, 1950 called and wants your theology back so they can update it.

Of course the whole issue is much more complex than simple sexism but you get the point. Voting is something of an impassioned activity. You have to care enough to put in the effort to vote. People on the ends of the political spectrum are often the ones that care most, will espouse their views the loudest and thus will be the first to the polls. Therefore if those of us who are more moderate don't bother....... well ultimately.... you get a "Trump like" bad smell in the Whitehouse.

But the story didn't begin with trump. Turkey has seen university lecturers - the educated and educators of society - arrested for disagreement with the government of the day.

Othering of European peoples in their own countries because they look different, or sound vaguely "foreign"... thats happening too and is a symptom of the very wave of opinion that trump has ridden to his current elevated position.

Many decry the likening of these event and systems to pre war Europe as fanciful talk. Safe in the knowledge that the world has "moved on', and that ww2 could "never happen again were all too smart for that"

Well Surprise wankers! look what y'all just did. The oh shit moment was written on many faces. Much like post Brexit. People actually said afterwards, "oh I didn't think it would cause us to leave.... well bugger me what did you think you were voting for?

So there we have it. The smell of America's big trump is gonna pervade it's noxious way around the globe. I only hope we can hold our breath collectively for the 4 yrs. its gonna take to flush the toilet. Cleaning and redecorating the bathroom however,  will take considerably longer.

The guy who's going out of office puts it rather well. He defines the central premise of #stubbornlyoptimistic in his speech on learning of the new president elect.

President Obama's speech, like those of a number of other world leaders on hearing the news, contained messages of unity, of respect. Themes of togetherness and co operation. All things woefully absent in the new president elect and his view of the world as it pertains to him. (I doubt he has a wider view, as I said, too much of a narcissist) 

So, when the dust settles from whatever is to befall us as species from this point onward. I have a proposal. Maybe if we wish to expect the best policies from our elected representatives and leaders, we should ask of them the basic principles of a decent human being first. If we wish to keep thinking people in office, and mitigate the dafter fringes of our species from causing harm, we need to care enough to vote.

Sure disagree on semantics like marriage rights, healthcare or what colour to paint a bathroom door. But healthy disagreement breeds reasonble discussion, discussion leads to decision and action. For this to work one has to assume both parties to be rational decent human beings with a certain respect for others and themselves. ...something this trump is very much isn't. Nor are some of those who support him.

And after whatever we said couldn't happen again is finished, don't leave the shouting and discussion to others. The reasonable human mind often baulks at confrontation. But if we do so collectively the less reasonable take our place. Those people are quicker to shout, to confront, blame and accuse. They are less adverse to breaking laws that shouldn't be broken so will happily break those that should be. (seeing no distinction between) and once the mob is sated and the rabble gone...what then ? 

Would we have made a difference? 

who knows... but by then it'll be too late and a new generation, our sons and daughters, and their kids, will have to pay the price for our collective apathy, lack of wisdom and sheer human stupidity. This world is a beautiful place. I pray this latest and gravest form of humanities' many and varied pollutions doesn't destroy it along with us. 

Today is the 11th of November. A day which those who have been in uniform having perhaps seen the very ugly realities and awful choices of warfare often spend in quite reflection. Oddly and somewhat paradoxically few soldiers who've seen it first hand actualy want war. 

As one who very much shares that view, I look towards America,  observing the things that have been allowed to happen, bringing them as a country to this very point in history.

I'm worried. Are you? 

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